The new documentary HEAL concludes that only two components of our involvement in the healing process are of a physical nature - radically changing your diet, and using herbs and supplements (although I'd argue that - even the most holistically oriented among us may need to resort to pharmaceuticals or a procedure on occasion).
All other elements that promote healing, according to HEAL, are of an emotional nature
· Taking control of your health
· Following your intuition
· Releasing suppressed emotions
· Increasing positive emotions
· Embracing social support
· Deepening your spiritual connection
· Have a strong reason for living
It's been previously said that about 80% of all afflictions have emotional causes. You can turn that around to say that to be truly effective, about 80% of our healing process should be emotional cleansing. When our emotional environment is optimized and optimal, the physical healing follows suit all by itself - the cells regenerate and regrow healthily and voilà. Nature is made to renew and heal. Given optimal physical conditions animals, ecosystems, or plants heal by themselves, automatically, naturally, because there are no emotions involved. We, on the other hand, need to heal our emotions in order to heal our bodies since our emotions inform our physical health in most cases.