the elephant in the room

Recently, I was not only asked to do some writing for producer Dena Barnett's upcoming documentary, Spiritual Healing: A New Frontier, but also to contribute a statement regarding the elephant in the room.

Which elephant, you may ask.  Well, if Spiritual Healing promises such good results why does it have such difficulty finding acceptance, credibility and traction?  The answer is two-fold and lies in the elephant so to speak.  

First, Spiritual Healing is low-tech and low cost - it costs nothing beyond the practitioner’s time, and requires no technology or other salable “props.”  Hence, if Spiritual Healing became widely accepted and gained traction, it would dismantle parts of the medical-industrial complex, which relies on people being ill, and the enormous reoccurring revenues from doctor’s visits, procedures, and pharmaceuticals that come with it.  Our culture is more profit than wellness driven, and there is enormous resistance to this shift from a financial perspective. 

Second, Spiritual Healing operates within the unseen aspect of our earthly existence, that of consciousness, and consciousness has thus far been science's, and our general cultural underpinning’s, "elephant in the room.”  Science, and the medical establishment in particular, has as yet not been willing to openly investigate the connection between consciousness and illness, and how the mind influences the body’s well or ill being.  Consciousness is the elephant in the room that scientists don't dare to mention for fear of being discredited.  

When we turn this tide, when the scientific and medical establishments openly acknowledge that consciousness influences matter, and not the other way around, that healing and ill being happen on the mental plane, it will be a momentous paradigm shift in human consciousness evolution so big we can't even predict all the implications to our way of life.

Here a related earlier post on healing eras and energy medicine.