changing my world

            When I change my perspective the world around me changes and adjusts.  Amazing.  Here is how it works.

            During a recent introduction to NVC - nonviolent or compassionate communication - we were supposed to recall a recent incident that irked us, and look at it from two perspectives, our own, and then the one from the other person.  I recalled my daughter's recent phone call from school in the middle of the morning that she didn't feel well and needed to be picked up.

            I noticed that I felt annoyed, irritated, and resentful for being interrupted during work - my needs were for space and independence.  However, once I turned the perspective around and understood that she felt miserable, hurting, and anxious, and that she needed affection, compassion, and nurturing, all I wanted to do was come to her rescue and comfort her.

            It took my own inner shift, not coercion, not anybody else's action or change in attitude, to want to help her.  Amazing.